[C#] 自己封装的一个数据库访问类 让ado.net 用起来和ado一样

news/2025/2/23 23:03:22

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Government.Common

 /// CDataBase 的摘要说明。

 public class CDataBase
  public CDataBase()


  /// 取单值

  /// SQL 命令
  /// 结果
  public object GetSingleValue( string strSQL )
   OleDbConnection conn = null;
   OleDbCommand cmd = null;
    conn = new OleDbConnection(GV.s_strConnection);

    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandTimeout = 5;

    return cmd.ExecuteScalar();
   catch(Exception e)
                GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::GetSingleValue"
     , strSQL + "/r/n" + e.Message

    return "";
    if( cmd != null )
    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
  }// GetSingleValue


  /// 判断结果是否为空

  /// SQL 命令
  /// 是否成功
  public bool IsNull( string strSQL )
   return ( GetSingleValue(strSQL) == null );
  }// IsNull


  /// 执行单条SQL命令

  /// SQL 命令
  /// 是否成功
  public bool ExecuteSQL(string strSQL)
   OleDbConnection conn = null;
   OleDbCommand cmd = null;

    conn = new OleDbConnection(GV.s_strConnection);

    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandTimeout = 5;

    return true;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::ExecuteSQL"
     , strSQL + "/r/n" + e.Message

    return false;
    if( cmd != null )
    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
  }// ExecuteSQL


  /// 在一个事务中依次执行多条SQL

  /// SQL 命令组
  /// 是否成功
  public bool ExecuteMultiSQL(ref ArrayList arySQL )
   OleDbConnection conn = null;
   OleDbCommand cmd = null;
   OleDbTransaction tran = null;
   int index = 0;

    conn = new OleDbConnection(GV.s_strConnection);

    tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.Transaction = tran;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandTimeout = 5;

    for( index = 0; index < arySQL.Count; index++)
     cmd.CommandText = arySQL[index].ToString();

    return true;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::ExecuteMultiSQL"
     , arySQL[index].ToString() + "/r/n" + e.Message

    return false;
    if( cmd != null )
    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
  }// ExecuteMultiSQL


  /// 获取查询视图(不可更新)

  /// SQL命令
  /// 获取DataSet视图
  public DataSet GetView(string strSQL)
   OleDbConnection conn = null;
   OleDbDataAdapter adapter = null;
   DataSet ds = null;

    conn = new OleDbConnection(GV.s_strConnection);

    ds = new DataSet();
    adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter( strSQL, conn);

    return ds;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::GetView"
     , strSQL.ToString() + "/r/n" + e.Message

    if( ds != null )
    return null;
    if( adapter != null )

    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
  }// GetView


  /// 获取SQL Server存储过程的记录集

  public DataSet GetProcView( string strSQL)
   SqlConnection conn = null;
   SqlCommand cmd = null;
   SqlDataAdapter adapter = null;
   DataSet ds = null;

    conn = new SqlConnection(GV.s_strSqlConnection);
    cmd = new SqlCommand( strSQL, conn);

    ds = new DataSet();
    adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

    return ds;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::GetProcView"
     , strSQL.ToString() + "/r/n" + e.Message

    if( ds != null )
    return null;
    if( adapter != null )

    if( cmd != null )

    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )



  /// 获取查询记录集(可以更新)

  /// SQL命令
  /// 记录集
  public CRecordSet GetRecordSet( string strSQL )
   OleDbConnection conn = null;

    conn = new OleDbConnection(GV.s_strConnection);
    return ( new CRecordSet( ref conn, strSQL) );
   catch( Exception e )
    GV.Assert( false
     , "CDataBase::GetRecordSet"
     , strSQL + "/r/n" + e.Message);

    if( conn != null )
     if( conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed )

    return null;
  }// GetRecordSet end

 }// CDataBase end

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using  System.Diagnostics;

namespace Government.Common

 /// RecordSet 用于模拟实现ADO的使用

 public class CRecordSet

  // Members
  OleDbDataAdapter m_Adapter = null;
  OleDbCommandBuilder m_CommandBuilder = null;
  DataSet    m_DataSet = null;
  Int32    m_iCurPtr = 0;


  /// 构造函数

  /// 连接对象
  /// 表名
  /// WHERE 子句
  public CRecordSet( ref OleDbConnection objConn
        ,string strSQL)
   m_Adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter( strSQL, objConn);
   m_CommandBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(m_Adapter);

   m_DataSet = new DataSet();
   m_Adapter.Fill( m_DataSet );
  }// CRecordSet end

  // 获取记录集信息
  public int GetRecordCount()
   if( m_DataSet == null )
    return 0;

   return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

  public bool IsNull()
   return ( this.GetRecordCount() == 0 );

  public bool IsBOF()
   return ( this.IsNull() || m_iCurPtr == 0 );

  public bool IsEOF()
   return ( this.IsNull() || m_iCurPtr >= this.GetRecordCount() );

  public int GetFieldCount()
   if( m_DataSet != null )
    return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
   return 0;

  public string GetFieldName( int nColumn )
   GV.Assert( ( nColumn >= 0) && (nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count)
    ,  "CRecordSet::GetFieldName"
    , "索引越界!");

   if( m_DataSet != null &&
     nColumn >= 0 &&
    nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count )
    return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns[nColumn].ColumnName;

   return null;

  public Type GetFieldType( int nColumn )
   GV.Assert( ( nColumn >= 0) && (nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count)
    ,  "CRecordSet::GetFieldType"
    , "索引越界!");

   if( m_DataSet != null &&
     nColumn >= 0 &&
    nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count )

    return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns[nColumn].DataType;

   return null;

  // 移动光标

  public bool MoveFirst()
   m_iCurPtr = 0;
   return true;

  public bool MoveLast()
   if( !this.IsNull() )
    m_iCurPtr = this.GetRecordCount() - 1;
    return true;
   return false;      

  public bool MovePre()
   GV.Assert( !this.IsBOF()
    , "CRecordSet::MovePre"
    , "已经到头 !");

   if( !this.IsBOF() )
    m_iCurPtr --;
    return true;

   return false;

  public bool MoveNext()
   GV.Assert( !this.IsEOF()
    , "CRecordSet::MoveNext"
    , "已经到头 !");

   if( !this.IsEOF() )
    m_iCurPtr ++;
    return true;

   return false;

  // 取值

  public string GetCollect( int nColumn )
   GV.Assert( ( nColumn >= 0) && (nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count)
    ,  "CRecordSet::GetCollect"
    , "索引越界!");

   if( this.IsNull() )
    return null;

    if(  nColumn >= 0 &&
     nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count )
     return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][nColumn].ToString();
   catch( Exception e )
    GV.Assert( false, "CRecordSet::GetCollect", e.Message);
   return null;   

  public string GetCollect( string strField )
   GV.Assert( strField.Length > 0
    ,  "CRecordSet::GetCollect"
    , "字段名为空!");

   if( this.IsNull() )
    return null;

    if( strField.Length > 0 )
     return m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][strField].ToString();
   catch( Exception e )
    GV.Assert( false, "CRecordSet::GetCollect", e.Message);
   return null; 

  // 赋值
  public bool PutCollect( int nColumn, string strValue)
   GV.Assert( ( nColumn >= 0) && (nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count)
    ,  "CRecordSet::PutCollect"
    , "索引越界!");

   if( this.IsNull() )
    return false;

    if(  nColumn >= 0 &&
     nColumn < m_DataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count )
     if( strValue.Length == 0 )
      m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][nColumn] = DBNull.Value;
      m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][nColumn] = strValue;

     return true;
   catch( Exception e )
    GV.Assert( false, "CRecordSet::PutCollect", e.Message);
   return false;

  public bool PutCollect( string strField, string strValue)
   GV.Assert( strField.Length > 0
    ,  "CRecordSet::PutCollect"
    , "字段名为空!");

   if( this.IsNull() )
    return false;

    if( strValue.Length == 0 )
                    m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][strField] = DBNull.Value;
     m_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[m_iCurPtr][strField] = strValue;

    return true;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false, "CRecordSet::PutCollect", e.Message);
    return false;

  // 动作

  // 添加
  public bool AddNew()
   DataRow dr = m_DataSet.Tables[0].NewRow();
   m_iCurPtr = this.GetRecordCount() - 1;
   return true;

  // 删除
  public bool Delete()
   if( this.IsNull() )
    return false;


   if( m_iCurPtr > this.GetRecordCount() - 1 )
    m_iCurPtr = this.GetRecordCount() - 1;
   return true;

  // 更新数据
  public bool Update()
    m_Adapter.Update( m_DataSet.GetChanges() );
    return true;
   catch(Exception e)
    GV.Assert( false, "CRecordSet::Update", e.Message);
    return false;

  // 取消更新
  public bool CancelUpdate()
   return true;

  // 关闭
  public bool Close()
   return true;



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